26 Jul The Similarities Between HSE Recruitment and Dating
“Dating, Normally a meeting for two people to get together and see what the other person is like.”
– Urban Dictionary
There are many similarities between employing someone and dating. In this tongue-in-cheek blog written for hiring managers we outline the similarities and include our top tips to help you move from the dating phase into a happy partnership.
Step 1 – Create Your Dating Profile
For those of you in the know, putting yourself on a dating app is all about standing out in the crowd to ensure you get noticed. Put this thinking towards advertising your job. Get creative and take time to get the content right.
- Does the job title resonate with the audience?
- Have you included an overview of the company?
- Did you highlight ‘what’s in it’ for them? (what do you offer? Perks and/or opportunities)
- Is the language you’re using warm and inviting?
- Do they know how to contact you to introduce themselves and ask questions?
- And, does your LinkedIn profile represent you and your experience well?
Some of the best PDs we’ve seen have done away with the traditional dot points where tasks and skills were laid bare. Instead, they story-tell, weaving in their requirements and the PD becomes another advertisement.
Step 2 – Swiping Left or Right – on Resumes
You’re starting to get noticed. Which way will you swipe? Just because the profile you see might depict a few broken relationships (e.g. movement on a CV) or less experience than you wanted, keep an open mind. Sometimes you won’t find the ‘perfect match’.
Good questions to ask;
- Can I develop them into the relationship?
- Is it worth calling them to learn their story?
But, if you know in your heart of hearts that it just won’t work, always respond. Don’t leave them hanging.
Step 3 – The First Date
First impressions count and preparation needs to go into making the interview process a positive one. If you’re a bit rusty and need some practice, here are our tips.
- Where practicable, meet in person – it’s much more personable
- Use the best room available – good lighting, ventilation and a welcoming feel
- *Offer them a drink – bring out the best glasses or cups
- Engage, find common ground and smile – a lot!
- Don’t be too stuffy – ask questions but don’t be rigidly scripted
- If additional interviewers are helping you, ensure they don’t take over – the person in front of you wants to feel connected to you
- At the end of the date (whoops interview), you’ll know if the chemistry is there. If it’s there, don’t hesitate. As you walk them out, tell them you’d like to see them again and that you hope they feel the same
*Non-alcoholic of course
Step 4 – Taking It Slow or Jumping All In?
In a market where there are many other companies ‘dating’ and your preferred candidate is spoilt for choice, don’t play hard to get. Put all your cards on the table. Our steps to proposing (i.e. offering employment) include:
- If they are ‘the one’, tell them at the same time you commence the background checks – don’t leave them wondering
- Remove any barriers – e.g. if written contracts aren’t extended until police checks come back, it might be too late, put a ‘subject to’ in the contract – or ask them to sign a stat dec. They’ll know if they have paid the price for a crime
- Put your best offer on the table – whether that’s $$$, hybrid work or a car allowance. If you’ve done your prep work, you’ll know what will entice them
- The day they break up with their current manager, call them. Reassure them that joining you is the best decision they have ever made !!
Step 5 – On the Way to Happily Ever After
If you’ve been in constant communication before the big day, then the honeymoon period (aka the first 90 days) should go smoothly. But, let’s not forget you still have to do all you can to set your person up for success.
- Develop a structured onboarding program – fill calendars with meaningful stakeholder meetings, regular 1:1’s, and if practicable, set them up with a peer buddy
- Check in regularly – seek and provide feedback
- Have very few expectations of deliverables – until after the honeymoon period
But….It’s a balancing act
So here’s the thing. Don’t get so consumed with your newest arrival, that you forget about spreading your love to the existing team. If they feel under-valued, they could be tempted to cheat and explore new partnerships. To stop them putting their profile out there, keep abreast of their needs, have regular performance discussions, offer them development opportunities and reward and recognise them often.
And, sometimes separation is inevitable
Outgrowing the role or the organisation are valid reasons for disenchantment. Sometimes this can’t be fixed and a partnership could end earlier than you anticipated. Although you may feel disappointed, even hurt, don’t take it personally. Keep the high moral ground as if people have a poor experience leaving you, your brand could take a hit and going on new dates will prove all the more challenging.
Final word
As experienced matchmakers who have hundreds of successes under their belt, we are here to help you embrace the dating game to find the perfect fit – whether that is recruiting health and safety talent into your team or finding you the perfect job !! Get in touch.
If you would like further inspiration, check out the learn section on our website and our recruitment services.
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