30 Sep Where are the HSE jobs in Australia?
Having just farewelled the first quarter of FY19/20, we’ve experienced our busiest quarter ever. It’s good news when we hear incidental media reports of a softening job market.
OHS skills in demand across all sectors
This quarter, we have recruited for a variety of industries including:
- health-care
- community services
- professional services
- facilities management
- chemicals
- transport
- retail
A game of musical chairs across the eastern seaboard has opened up some executive opportunities. Mid level roles (ie national / state manager) were steady.
HSE advisor shortage
A recurring theme has been employers approaching us to recruit at HSE Advisor level after their own campaigns have failed. Their frustration is evident as competition for strong candidates is tough. Many employers have increased salaries or offered incentives in order to secure the best candidates. We have seen sign-on bonuses, car allowances and additional annual leave offered as alternate options.
Process safety demand
For the first time, we are experiencing an increase in demand for process safety specialists, with roles in Adelaide, Perth and Melbourne this quarter. There are many newly created opportunities as companies become increasingly aware of their legal and regulatory requirements in this specialist field. The people transitioning successfully are those who can simplify the processes for the end user.
Flexible work
Part-time roles in health and safety continue to be scarce and wherever possible we encourage employers to look at job-share options. Contract roles have continued to be steady and it is rare to see any contracts offered under three-months. We are noticing an increase in employers offering candidates fixed-term arrangements. This can be positive, particularly when the opportunities are six-months or longer in duration. We’ve witnessed demand for a range of skills including audit, injury management and safety case development. At executive level, it’s about keeping the seat warm until a permanent manager is recruited.
As we lead into the end of 2019, we anticipate that like last year, we’ll be busy right through to December, with no signs of the job market slowing down.
Get in touch if you would like more information or any assistance with your job search.
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